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Wednesday, 22 February 2012

the pleasure of seecrecy.

If I where to cook eaxh day for a sick firend and no one was to know about it what a thrill it would be. I would go each day doing everything a littlle faster. Shopping twice cooking twice and no one would know. Yes a thrill, just becouse nonoe knows. No one expects me at that side of town at that time of day, no one expect me to be cooking in a different house to mine, wow such a little alteration such a grand seecret. Why? They ask? what where you hiding? No one had heard aobut the lady in london who for years would go each day at the same time to an apartament she tented and told no one aobut , and would spend hours at , retunig home not telling, just keeping and loving the idea of having a seecret. What if you smell of perfume, somone elses perfume, perfume of the seecret you keep. Why do you keep it? If it has no purpose? It must be dark all asssume. but you just enjoy the thrills, the fact no one can predict you and all your moves despite all the social networking spy systems, you do it just so they dont know. Another life entireley.

Thursday, 9 February 2012

The girls and an exhibition in Paris

We where three 20 year olds on the way to Paris. One Ukraninan, one Russian and a Croat of course.

The journey started at 4 am for my self, at that age being natural having a boyfirend, and it natural for a boyfirend to be scared of a girlfriend encountering any French men at all, meant he had kept me up awake all night, as to melanchololy absorb as much of me as possible in case I might return changed. No effort to throw him out of the apartament, or to get to sleep, worked, and so having sleapt none, very exhausted, I was glad to go into the freezing febuary night, and get away.

Taksi was booked for 5am. The train left for paris at 6. I was living in hoxton. The taxi was too small it turned out. It was 5.10 There was I stuck with huge paintings, which had to get to Paris by the next day for my exhibition opening, and it looked like i was going to miss the train.
So thats why the gods set the boyfirend to woose ower me that night i concluded, his purpose was to help me carry the huge paintings, down several kilometers in the night trough east london streets until we could get to a point wehere we would actualy spot a black cab.

It was 5.35 am, the cab where as frequent as water salesmen in the desset. But we did signal the first to stop. The paintings where too big to fit in the black cab, that is the clasic version. At 5.40 we hailed the new 2000 version but this also was badley tailored for painting transport. The only other possible cab that might fit the paintings was the ugley square 80's eddition, and it came, and stopped,paintings fit, and we where off to waterloo. I was verry late. The train had 2 minutes to departure. People where allready waiting in line for the next train. But as fate would have it both paintings and I got on.

On the trian my ukraninan project ally was ready and set to go, with her friend russian who was simpley there becouse she loved Paris and any exsuce was good enough. The russian had her hair in 17 century curles and her cheeks where shiney with gold powder. "Oh pleased to meet you.. I just came straigh from the War & Peace Ball"

Terribley tired, K fell asleap. The russian M handed me an ear phone as a sign of friendship, right out of her own ear, out of which sounds of Ella fitzgerald and Strictmachine flooded my brain, hypnotizing me into sleep too..

In Paris, it being one hour ahead of london it was allready gray dawn. The exhibition was in Rue Rivoli, and of course the damn paintings did not fit into just any cab. Miss russia than pointed out towards a limouzine. Oh of course. My first ride in a limo, I took like an indian cheif, nestleled under a teepee of my paintings . The choffeur was loving it. And charging it.

Rue rivoli 59 is a 5 floor house, once eamptey, claimed by artists, who set up a studio and living space, at the ratio 1 artist to 1 room. The rooms vary in size. But each room was something out of a fairy tale, each room was an entirely different world, with a unique atmosphere, coloration, and undescribable objects, artworks decorating them.

On entering the building a moroccan man, a verry tall man, with a broken umbrella whose skeleton was hung with teady bears and flowers and all kinds of jangles took my hand and began a dance, he was singing too, and danced with all of us as a means of introduction. Miss russia was squealing from delight. But it was am in France too. Which reminded her that she will fall in a bad mood unles her energies where replenished by an omlett in a sun filled street cafe.

Paris was bathed in sunshine, very exotic for london dwelers, and we breathed in the sunshine, with the freezing febuary air and we became dizzy with excitement. At omlett, it was decided that magic exsits and will happen to us.

We spent the day setting up in the gallery. The show was made up of two parts. The easiley constructable painting exhibition which I had negotiated out of caprice to St. Martin's college becouse they did not aprove my going on an exchange to the parisian Beaux artes school. And a more magnificant performance, never seen before, inside a new type of theatrical stage readiley invented by Kseniya and my self.

The stage was made entireley out of paper, and constircted the movement of the audence as well as framed them as a piece of art. I shant tell more as it is copyright. Having spent the whole day, stappeling paper, climbing ladders, pulling electricity lines, setting up lights illegaly borrowed form college. We where exhausted. K left for the hotel she had booked on line. I taking on Morrocans offer to stay and paint all night just becosue I can, prepared my self for insomnia. Plus I was a poor student, and secondley I had previousley proved that I could stay awake 3 nights witohut sleeping as long as there was music and I kept dancing. Miss russia announced " I have to have a bath or I will die" Before she left to hunt down a hotel next to the louvre she suggested I may wish to take better care of my self and enjoy some comforts in life as well as art. I was aobut to start painting and than her idea, a very new kind of idea in my student brain, seemed the best possible, I switched off the lights took the council, and the very first hotel next to the gallery, and jumped into the bath.

The folowing moring we where all refreshed, and ready to work. The organizers had invited everyone they knew in Paris and expected a large publc to come to the performace. K and I rehearsed. M was the film recoding director. The show opened in the evening. Croatian ambassador arrived and the cultire council of Paris, and all kinds of art people that meant notthing at the time. More surprising was the arrival of my morther and her best firend, who had each relinquished their 3 children to husbands in Staffordshire, and appeared in Paris, with cakes for the openeing.

We placed people one by one into the avant gard theatre setting using a kinfe, when no more could fit, lights turned on, and perfomance started. The show was something between shadow theatre, theatre of cruelty, poetry, mime, art, and won us a rewiew as the best thing in Paris that month together with Richters painting exhibition.

There was an after party to the opening on the island in the Seine. The paranoid mother remarks where hushed by her firend and taken off in a taxi setting us free. K was tired and decided to return to her hotel. M and I stepped into drizzely Paris like hounds set to looking for our after party and a share of the magic we deserve. We found the street. On the fourth floor of a building a lit window was blearing happy hot latin music into the cold night. The window was decorated with red baloons and the party seemed exactley what we needed. Yet, it turned out to be the wrong number of the street.

Our after party was a 10 minute walk in the rain later, and the party was a dark gloom, coloured with blue lazer lights industrial electronic music and faces we did not recognise.

M looked at me, and I at her, we could not hear what the other one was trying to say from the noise, but withing a minute we left the party and where walking up the street to the wrong adress. The building was private and locked, but somone was leaving and opened the building to us. On the steps we encountered people who where leaving the party and intorudced our selfs gigleing all the way. At the door on the fifth floor from which latin music could be heard, when asked who we are with we named Laurant- the name of the guy we met on the stairs. When we enterd the house we introduced our selfs as Marina and Sunci, friends of the guy at the door.

The partament was low lit, warm ,full of foods and the instant we entered we where given a martini each and pulled into a latin dance. It could not have been better. We danced a while with the gorup wondering how they all know to dance so well, even the men. Finaly we figured out they where a group of dancer frriends who have known each other intimatley for the last 20 years. When we got tired we simpley explained to the closed french, that the guy at the door, we met at the door, and laurant he thoguht we knew we met on stairs too, satisfylingley shocked the deer everyone and left.

On the the other side of town. Kseniya had headed to sleep. she got in to a taxi and sent it to the right side of town. But she had forgotten the name of her hotel, and the street it was on, and had not wirtten it any where. She circiled with the taxi in the red light disstrict, for she was sure it was there somwhere near Marmont, but she could not remember visualy how to get there at all. And there where no internet places open for her to check at that tmie. Flustered she paid the taxi and decided to search for it on foot. She walked the cold parisian drizely night and could not find the hotel, nor remember any detail that could help direct her there. She walked and circiled ,and started to get very frightened, cold, and lost. She did not speak French.

Than something strange occured a man, a big, older, russian man appeared. He spoke to her. At first she was frightened but he kept talking and walking and protected her from comments of pappers by, acompanied her taking her directley to the hotel she did not know how to describe.angles perhaps come in non orthodox forms too.

M and I decided to hunt for a place to sleep, withdrew our luggage from various hotels around the exhibition than came in to a beautiful hotel opposite the Louvre the only open, plush with red and dark green velvets and a very polite receptioner, who under persuasion of two student girls and the hour let us have a very comfortable room and bath for very little price.


The green moss coat is like an invisibility coat. People do not notice me and they know they must not talk to me. And animals stop seeing me as a person. I suppose i look like a bush, or a rabbit in a bush with just the eyes and nose peeking out of russian fur hat.Animals stop hiding. Yes the whole population of mr robbins came out to greet me. Did I know that robbins can walk horizontali up trees? I did not, but i do . Thes skip up the rough crust of wisedom trees up words, side ways standing.

The pleasure most people miss walking in the snow is the noticing what snow in fact is. Milions of little flakes hurred at the window this week. And should one squash their nose on the glass and look very carefully, one will see that each flake is in fact a beautiful geometric flower, quite different from the otheres,sparkeling crystal. Walking in fresh snow in the sun is the most wonderous thing, one is walking on milions of beautful little crystals which glitter and sparkle in the light.

I came across a whole fairy town. Tree mushrooms floating cities helt snowy toweres and spires.
One supposes the faires in the winter quite have a ball. They can throw themselfs off trees and land on soft squishy trapoleane of snow and leaves. I streached my back on a throne shaped logg. Whom it belongs to was no where in sight. The snow queen? Or her jester. I did not see a fat jolly king with hornes or witohut.

Never the less closing the eyes in the woods is all but silent. All the invisible creatures can be heard. There are quacks, and tic-tocs. and craaarrks, and shushing noises ,and nibbleing noises and flying onises, and piping, and wooing, and kincock and teasing of all kinds. I suppose trees talk too, but it is hard to understand them with all that clamour of the birds. Trees think a lot i feel, trees are the grandfathers. One can ask them for advice, but very often by the time the answer is ready our attention is elsewhere as are we.
doobe doo.
The lake was frozen over. The turtles must be too. It was plain children footsteps, foxes, dogs and other beasts had been runnig on the ice. The smaller lake was taken ower by batty army of ducks ,doing all they could to break the ice around them, like old women whose seats had been taken at the theatre. They where slaping, and pecking and drilling untill they made space for them selfs. Very noisey affair.

Most wonderous of all, if one looks from a hight are the trees, not the trees quite, you see, trees the brown black ones streched to the skies, have blue shadows in the snows, and instead of a thin tree having a thin blue shadow to the contrary its shadow is fat. Or the straigt trees which in the shadows are bent, or even the tree which looks like a single column, but its shadow is fromed of two huge branches which join at the base. And whislt the sun is comming from one angle the shadows are scatared each to her own prefference with no logic what so ever. Two trees next ot each other have shadows going opposite ways. It is plain evidence of another reality hidden in it all and rather too bent to be obsrved imideatley.

Balkan boy

We had dinner on saturday.

"What is this in celebration of" Asked Peter on entering the house last.
"Notthing" I replied, " its in celebration of us having fun"
Dinner parties are not recognised as a from of entertainement by the young croats only by our parents generations.

Peter is M's coligue from work. A shiney bold head. Beady blue eyes. Well dressed. Also a new barrister of law. He sat at the furthest end of the table and imideatley broke my house law, and the ban on smoking in the living room, M usualy constricted to doing so in the kitchen, enthusiasticley joined in starting a chain reation around the table.

At the tables opposite ends sitting where Nina and Laura. We have all been firends since the age of 14 , yet in the last year a ferocious war was written in our horoscopes, as knowing somone a life time sometimes means taking one aonther for granted, resulting in an explosion, this was the first dinner at which we met all together after few years.

I was worried Laura would not come. She was one of my very closest firends, and my worst enemy it seemed last year and when the storm flattnened out, I realised I missed her. She arrived first. Remembering the chocholate I love. The moment she shook snow from her boots I opened the walnut brandy, and we drunk in shots.

Nina arrived with a taxy full of chairs. Our aparament has only two poper antique chairs. Three ikea bicicle seat stools and her adition of film director chairs set the sceene. We blanaced out the uncomfortable chairs with the proper cutlery and the comfortable stools with desert forks .

Next seated where Emma and John, a mixed English croatian married couple . Keeping stability in the room.

The sperate enteties did not know one another.

So did you arrive with the deecent rims on the wheels" I teased the car obsessed Peter.
"I just sold them before I came here"
What did you sell" peeped nina,
The wheel rims, had some really nice ones, but stuck for cash, made a few hundred on the sale"
are you selling this car" M continuing the boy talk.
"dont know, perhaps if i get a good deal on it"
Yoiu sell cars asked "nina
Yes sometimes when i see a good deal.
I saw a nice two seater adds M..

M and I made about a thousant gnocchi by hand. I started cooking them.. Girls as they do one by one colaboratviley and politley came to help.

Peter girlfirends kept calling him trough out dinner and was obliged to give updates hourley on who was there, wheere he was, what they where doing.

"she told me I can stay here, but am not alowed to go out. She calls me up to see where i have been . And of course it was saturday. And if i say i have been home of course she doesent belive me. She aske the name of the club. Than she names a few girls she hats and asks if i have run into them. If i deny it she does't belive me. So I say yes i saw them and said Hi, you know.. Than she doesnt belive me.. I usualy do the wrong thing.

Nina asks " so how long have you two been together"

2Three years. But she is studying in another town. We broke up a few times. A few weeks ago i met the family. The worst situation. You remember how there was boom in propertie prices. Well I was selling properties than. Made a sweet deal only the first time i tried, connecting firends ,one who was selling and one who wanted to buy and so .. any way I opened and registered a propper company ,and there was this piece of land where they where planing to build the Avenue mall. And here father owns one of the largest construction companies. So he came out one day and i was showing him the land. Of course he did not buy it, I raised the price some hundred thousand euros.. Than i met her a few weeks later.
Any way i hadent met the family for the few years until one day her parents go away and we are at their house, and of course they retun earley from holliday. Her father looks at me and says i look kind of familliar.. but can't remember.. Im sweating hoping he doeasnt remember.. When my girl all smiles says " daddy its the creep who tried to mug you for that piece of land a while ago".

So does her father like you?

So what else do you do ? Pursues Emma fascinated by this new creature eyes sparkeling.
He sells everytihng says m, tell her aobut the viagra.

You sell viagra. Peeps facinated emma.
A few years back..I used to fill up the car with viagra anf go to Zrče, the croatian, ibetha, everyone laughs at the cornnyess of his role in that place.

But where did you get the viagra?
Well you know, people are usualy to embaressed to ask for it from the doctor, it stays on the reccord.. And have this firend who goes to Syria, there everythings cheep. Hed get me a few hundred boxes at the price of 60, and i would sell them for 250, still less than toher guys. I wasnt the only one. I had friends who worked at the bar or as bouncers in clubs in Zrče, told them and it went.. Mainley Slovenians where buying ti.

Where did you keep the stuff?nina agian.
Well made a false floor in the car, in the bumper, in the doors.
Amasing. Contined nina. What else do you sell.? I can glet clothes from canada for cheap would you sell clothes.
Lets do it, Il sell your clothes.. Peter teased.

Laura drunk from the brandy ,and tiped up with vine ,kept gigleling and repeating to me, He is a living film. He is amovie charachter. Look at him.

but you are a lawyer? contined nina. It was obovious she was intrigued. She was in need of a man and here was a busines , dealing, cat, always doing something and she liked it.

Yes im a lawyer, i work with M, but that doesnt pay enoguh. Im always out of money and have too invent things..

What law do you do?

Criminal law, i dela with the real stuff which pays.

You go to prison. Yep went this morning.

John muttered agianst him under the breath to Emma," who is this guy, what a frek" who kept posing question to Peter all them more hypntised.

Laura drunk kept repeating he is a film, look, Emma asking the questions and him are a fim they are perfect.

But i dont have so much time, i have a band..

So you are the reason why S and M id not come to our dinner party wensday, it was your fault?Accused john

The band released a single..

You have a Band. Peped Emma. Wow. What kind of band?
Well kind of rock, pop, punk a mix of everyting.

Other stories fhinished, peter got up, he must go to sleep he siad looking very dressed and ready to go out clubbing.. I have an hour before the girlfirend calls and ask where i am ..

M looks at Emma as Peter gets up.. "So emma ,what was that..."

Notthing" She blushes..

I the kitchens she admits" Doesnt he look like he would be good in"
Bed? I fhinish?
Yes,, Closes Nina... He is wild and is manley and capable and he always finds away. I like him.

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

organic unplug sink method- organični odčepivač sudopera

Yep, I will put this up as I always cringed when unplugging the sink with those highley toxic industrial chmichals, worried aobut the fish, as a lot of houses near the sea have a drain out to sea deapths..
To unplug a sink pour in vinager, at least half a liter, the organic acid will also eat away at what is in side..
Or try coca cola..

Dakle , s obzirom da večina kuča uz more imaju kanalizaciju koja ide u more, u ribe, koje mi jedemo i vodi u kojoj se kupamo, užasan je osječaj korsitit sttrane kotsične kemikalije za odštopat lavandin, metoda koja mi je upravo upalila a nije otrovna je vinska kvasina,, odčepila je lavandin samo tako!

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Hram u pustinji

Iznamili smo konje. Ben, pastuha, ja preksarnu crvenu ženku jer žene ne smiju jahati pastuhe u egiptu, a vodio nas je Mohamed na tovaru.

Luksor je u centru Egipta, na jugu, uljuljan na oblli Nila. Nekoć je to bio grad kraljva Karnak, sada ljuske palača naziru se iz suhe crvene zemlje, a je grad podjeljen u impiralističke hotele na rijeci i vrlo skromno stanovništvo koje žive u ciglanim kućicama. Žene se savim prekrivaju u crno. Dan stane oko podne i do večeri nema pokreta kroz grad osim koje lijene mačke, sve stane. Fijaka dalmatinska nije ništa prema miru u Luksoru.

Nil je obrasla zelenilom, no par stotina metara južnije i sjevernjie počima pustinja. Prijašnjih dana južno od nila posjetili smo dolinu kraljeva, grobnice Tutenkhamona i ostale pijašnjih dana te ovaj put je bio isključivo posvećen jahanju. Pošli smo kroz neki gradić, po cesti, među svim onim ludilom bez pravila arapskih cesta, po kojima su konji poskakivali nervozno, da bih se izvukli na prašnjavu cestu k pustinji.Sa strane duge ceste rastao je šaš ili kukuruz, visoko poviše popodnevno sunce je sjalo, engleski novinar vječno je nešto ispitivao da bi prodoro dublje u duh i svijet domorodaca te su dečki čavrljali nogama i rukama ja sam pjevala nešto. Crveni Konj ispostavilo se trčao je u ritam pjesme. Kada je ubrzao ritam, moj konj je dao gasa, i toliko gasa bi da mi je srce lupalo od adrenalina i nemogučnosti zaustavljanja konja bez Mohameda koji je pratio na puno sporijem tovaru.

Prošli smo zadnju oazu pred pustinju oko koje su sagrađene kućice od crnog riječnog blata. Prekrasna cura, zelenih očiju oblika bajama, izašla je iz vrta palma zagledala se u B i trepkala toliko da je ostao hipnotiziran, bio je trenutno spreman pokloniti joj život na raspolaganje, a ona je izustila"Bakšiš Bakšiš?" I vlastit smjeh ga je probudio iz čarolije.

Izjahali smo iz civilizacije, oko nas sa svih strana protezala se pustinja. Mohamed nenajavljeno opali crvenog konja ispod mene po dupetu . Mali pokret imao je strahovito dug eko, konj je podivljao, uzdigla se na stražnje noge , zatim je počela trčati svom brzinom prema dubini pustinje.

Uzde nisu imale effekt, nisam ju mogla usporiti. Pomislila sam da se trebam baciti s nje, ali bacititi se s konja moglo bi završtit u slomljnim kostima. Čvršće sam zategnula koljenima oko trbuha i pustila divlju životinju da me nosi u pustiju, dok mi je srce tuklo brzo i prepadnuto.

Tovar ,ni crni pastuh ju nisu mogli uloviti, bila je brža od svih. Kada počele su se približavati pješćane dune, okrenula sam ju da trči uz brdo, gdje je od napora usporila a Mo nas je stigao i vratio na put.Koja sreća kad se preživi nešto puno adrenalina.

Dali želimo posjetit Koptsku crkvu ? Naravno, uputili smo se jugoistočno u pustinju.

U daljini nazilala se građevina, poput dvorca, sagrađena od pijeska. No kilometar od građevine od jednom mali debeli sivi tovar je podivljao.

" Vi-ah vi-ah via.."
Urlikao je tovar, kao zadnji mohikanac bacio se ratno na novi put i protiv svega što ga ide. Mohamed ga je počeo mlatiti, čupati, i dalje na leđima, ali tovar je držao smjer urlikajuči ludo, trčajući što ga brže male noge nose, dok nije otrkrio iza pustinjskog grmlja vrstu ograđene parcele, a u njoj tovaricu.

Pišo mu je izleto pola metra dug, debel i roz i užasan, a Mohamded ga je mlatio granama, sjašio pa vukao, sve dok bidan tovar nije počeo slušati i koračati prema crkvi, penisa obješena i tužna.

Crkvena građevina je bila od pjeska, okružena prašnjavim trgom i visokim zidinama. Sjahali smo i ostavili konje s Mohamedom van zidina i ušli istražiti.

Koptska crkva, korjen je kršćanstva i jedna od najranijih grana kršćanstva uopće, daleko u pustinji uspjela je preživjeti u već stoljćima muslimanskoj državi. Unutrašnjoost crkve bila je nalik džamiji, ući se moglo iskljućivo glave prekrivnom maramom, bosonogo, te cijela je crkva bila obložena tapetima, a u zidovima su stajali šareni kipovi svetaca.

Iz mračne utrbe crkve mnogobrojne oči su gledale u nas. Oči djece svih godina. Očito bez roditelja. Časne su ih učile moliti a zatim napustile zgradu. Kako su i dalje su velike smeđe oči gledale u mene počela sam igrati skrivača s naj manjim da ga nasmijem. Upalilo je. Pridružili su se ostali, zrak se napunio hihotima i veselim urlicima na arapskom bilo je očito da vrlo rijetko imaju posjete i da se druže s ikim osim s časnama.

No, vratile su se uskoro sestre i počele triskati djecu po licu kad već nisu mogle mene. Ali djeca su bila naviknuta i to im nije obrisalo osmjehe s lica. Malo prepadnuti časna također kupili smo pustinjski med i pozdravili se, no dječica su se skupila na vratima zgrade i gledala nas kako odlazimo.

Kada smo zajahali konje van zgrade, Ben i ja smo se pogledali, i bez riječi uletili s konjima u dvor, napravili par brzih krugova galameći kao indijanci, na što su djeca počela vikati također,bježati časnama, te dinevši dignući prašinu smo izletili u zalazak sunca.