My name is Suncica and I am an addict.
I am addicted to the ocean, to the sea to the waters, and I get orgasmic painting them. I feel like I am flying when covered by the rain and wind, with hair trashing, and sea water grabbing for my paper , I paint the sea.
there is nothing like it.
the fishermen safe in their coffee bar, drink the short hot stuff and watch me, madder than they are. I seriously feel at home among fisher men, sailor, mariners, because there is no need to explain the absolute connection to the wast waters. They think I m mad and don't becosue they are that too, what ever it is.
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the call of the ocean, the draw of the ocean, the salt on my eyelashes on the hair . and I like sailor boy's obviously, the madder the better.
My husbands one too, haha, and his utter addiction keeps him at sea and he cant explain why he must go as much as he can , but I get it.
Any way my show, exhibition in Hvar in a weekor so is called, All the sisters want to kiss sailors. Come, Feel, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Imagine you and I are having coffee together in the sun. We would tell one another other stories. Have giggles. Most stories here are observations and accounts of certian bemusing events in the days of an artist. Events I wish to remember and think may amuse you too. The illustrations I drew. The protagonists are real. Should you have a coffee time story to share, write it back to me.Now if you are ready for a break, get a coffee, draw a chair, let me tell you what happened the other day :
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