Proveli smo jutro u Periškim metro uredrima i taksijima dogovarajući kontinuirano otkazanu izložbu u staklenoj kocki metro stanice. Nije se radilo o mojoj izložbi, tu sam bila zbog francuskog. Diskusije su približavale projekt realizaciji te da proslavimo kupila se boca francuskog vina, francuski kruh, sir, džemovi, i našli smo se na obali rijeke s ostalim bićima gladnim ručka.
Jesli smo, pili, smijali se, dok mješavina sunca i ručka nije oplodila i rodila ideju kako bi bilo strašno ugodno skočiti u rijeku.
Provlea sam ljeto u užasno hladnom, kišnom Londonu a samo priko bare našli smo se u jednom od naj vručjih Pariških ljeta, i nismo to baš iskoristili do kraja. Morala sam bar u šali reči ideju na glas. Blesava prijateljica naravno izazvala me da ju izvedem. Pa kakve ču ja priče imati za svoje unuke jedan dan ako sada ne skočim u rijeku što teče centrom Pariza?
Rekla sam da neču to napraviti.
No ipak nagovorila me.
Prošetala sam niz stepenice do rijeke Senie, digla haljinu, gačice su čak izgledale kao bikini, a za ostalo, francuzi su poznati po svojoj otvorenosti jel tako. Bacila sam haljinu na stepenicu i spustila se u osvježavajuću hladnocu rijeke Seine. Nisam zapilvala par metara kada glasna sirena je zarezala zrak i počela se približavati, da me ne zgazi, skočila sam brzo iz vode i navukla haljinu.
Sirenu su puštali vatrogasci koji su upravo došli mene tražiti brodom.
Dali sam vidjela curu da pliva u rijeci, pitajiu?
Dali sam ta cura možda bila ja?
Zašto mi je kosa mokra?
Jer sam se umila , pre vruče je danas.
Haljina je bila suha jer se nisam usudila sjesti u njoj i zaljepit se, što je na tren uvjerilo vatrogasce u laž. Vatrogascoi su upali brod i nestali. Brže odazeći sa scene zločina skupili smo stvari i počeli koračati uz stepenice k cesti kada se pojave 2 broda , policajci i vatrogasci, i žele pričati samnom.
Ne zgodno.
Šef Pariške policije također je ručao picknick na obali Seine, točno s druge strane rijeke, i vidio me je osobno, urlao je iz mobitela jednog od policajaca. Zabranjeno se kupati u rijeci, unatoč vručnie, jedini ljudi u rijeci u Parizu inače su suicidalni i bacaju se s mostova.
Ali ja znam plivati...
Policija mi ispiše kaznu za uplatiti.
Prije nego što se povuču, s vrlo ozbiljnim licima, policajci mi objasne da nas policijski šef gleda s druge strane obale s dalekozorom, da mi moraju dati kaznu ali da ju ja netrebam uplatiti ,jer nisam francuskijna.
We had spent the morning in the Parisian Metro managment offices, and taxis, defining the perpetualy postsponed exhibition in a glass cubicle of a metro station. It was not my exhibition to be, but my friends, i tagged along to speak French. Apparantly the discussions where leading to realisation and to celebrate, on this far too hot a day, we bought a bottle of good red vine, cheese, baguettes, jam, and walked to the embankmet where other beings likwise humoured where eating their lunches.
We ate, drunk and gigleled, until the mix of vine and midday sun pointed out to my brain it might be fun to jump in the river.
I had spent the summer in the forboding cold rainy london, and here we where in one of the hotest parisian summers, not quite making a summer enough of it.
I voiced my idea, as a joke.
My silly friend challenged me to it.
What stories will I have to tell my grandchildren when i am old if i do not jump in to the river in the middle of Paris right now. ?
I said no. And than was eventualy persuaded.
I lifted off the dress. The kinckers looked like a bikini. The breasts resembled a state of topless. But what ever the french of both sexes are famous for their openess right?
I threw dress to the side and jumped in. Crawled in the delicious cool of the Seine. As i was aobut to enjoy my self a siren screaming boat neared my being. Before it did in order no to be run ower i sliped on to the bank and swiftly into my dress.
Yep the siren where firemen coming to find me personaly. What the heck I thought.
" Had we seen a girl swimming in the river?" firmen asked.
" no"
Was that girl me?"
"Why is my hair wet?
"Becouse I splashed my self, it so hot"
The dress which had remained dry as i had not sat my wet pants on to it saved momenteraly the lie. The pompiers left.
Three minutes later as we had thought we have escaped, two boats appeared at the embankement and wanted to speak to me.
On the other side of the river at the opposite embankment was the head of the parisian force ,eating his sandwich and saw me personaly ,he swore down the phone. The police gave me a bill to pay. It is forbidden to swim in the river, despite the fact it was mid summer, when people swim in the river it is usualy becouse they are suicidal not becosue they intend to swim in the summer, which is why its forbidden to all at all times.
Before the police where ready to leave one said. I will give you this fine so my boss sees that I have with his binoculars, but you just throw it away when we are gone you don't have to pay anything seeing you are not very French.
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