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Monday, 3 February 2025

marrying his family

Being a wife or entering matrimony, in tiny letters beneath the contract, too small to be seen at the wedding, actualy means not only marrying a man, but also marrying his family. And no it does not mean gaining a mother and father in law, but being married to them, the second you say I do, and sign beneath the statement.
This is not all bad, there are plenty of elements in this marriage one can get used to, just as a child gets used to eating green vegetables once he covers them with ketchup, and eventually swallows down crumbley broccoli ketchup free. But there are elements to this marriage that one is pushed into, with no safety belt, no warning, like a fly into hot gloopy custard, and one simpley wonders how did i end up here,  or am i dreaming?
The theme we are going to nit pick aobut today, dear firends, married or unmarried beware, is aesthetis.
 I married into a birocratic family, all lawyers,barriesters,  and the likes, and as you all are aware i am an artist. However in this married new family of mine, pre exsisiting my arrival, a hirachy exsisted, where the father is god thunderer, in all elemants of life, including aesthetics.
Yes god thunderer, Zeus, Thor also known as my father in law, is quite confident that his opinion of aesthetics is equal to that of his divine position, as in He created all, there for all he created is good.
A small matter of our diplomas meant notthing once I enetered this battle field, that is my Fine art Degree from St. Martin's, London really has no better chances in having more right in the matter of visuals than his Law degree from the Universiy of Split.
The first battles we lead, where small, and iritating like mosquitoes, battles which where almost polite, napoleonic wars, in bright colored uniforms, oh sir i am sorry i must shoot you down, but you know how it goes, so bang.
The father in law bought my boyfirend square toed, thick soled, crocodile skin shoe,s for the office. Becouse they where on a sale. I laughed and mocked them down as soon as the box was opened. The father in law  tried reason, the mother in law started folding towels, my boyfriend than said may be, dad oh, looked at my quite serious face, and declined the gift. It was about than that the war started. For than every purchase for the son, had to be passed infront of me, as really they knew what i did not like would not be worn.
Yes husbands, thats how it is.

I realised my work was cut out for me, and immidealtey got on to eliminating fathers taste, out of my boyfirends wadrobe. Yes there where red checked works shirts in there, and they have never been worn since.

Having got married, I and husband have generousley been given a nest to live in, a generous nest, which has not only been designed on the interios by the father in law who always dream of being an architect...

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