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Tuesday, 28 January 2025

The Right One

The Moment I Started to Say "God"

With conviction, because I began to trust the existence, benevolence, and actual interaction with my life.

God appeared.

God appeared in every form I long sought through, and in every language I had previously attempted to speak with it.

I found God in José Silva's deep meditation methods—a radiologist who discovered God and found a way to communicate with it as a Westerner, without dogma, and quickly.

I went to the sea and threw a bouquet of flowers in. The moment I did, a huge wave arose, accompanied by the rushing sound and my excited squealing, capturing this instant communication on video by Dino.

Inspired by Joel Osteen and Florence Scovel Shinn, I repeated affirmations, casting my burden to the Christ within. He helped me in a miraculous way, provided time, and gave me clues to navigate a life crisis with unexpected speed.

My Hare Krishna friend from London sent me a beautiful insight on God and life that was very apt and in tune with what I was contemplating.

The book "Autobiography of a Yogi" fell into my hands. It contains the most incredible accounts of a life lived with God-communication by a Hindu, deeply inspiring me.

My hairdresser, a friend with whom I have deep conversations about life, asked me to read the Quran, so I bought it and started to read.

And there’s my mother, as always on her crusade to convert me—not really to God but to do whatever she tells me in the name of God.

It is all current, all very intense in these few weeks.

I hear you!

The thing is, while I have wandered the religious path, as I have the world—curious, trying different things, places, tastes, colors, and contexts—my stops along the path have brought me into closeness with several people who shared their God with me.

These friends, who have embraced me with love, shared their bliss, their faith, and their ways—many of them also sharing the opinion that only their way is the right way. Absolutely convinced that only their way is right and all others who do not find it might be spiritually lost.

Among these, I have friends who are Hare Krishnas, Muslims, Jews, Pagans, Buddhists, and Christians.

Recently, I spoke to an American writer of Jewish background. He was an atheist for a while and eventually met God in Alcoholics Anonymous. His life improved dramatically since the meeting. "I believe in God," he said. "You know, it's all one God to most of us now. But I do prefer my own family tradition."

To some of my friends, this attitude is exceptionally triggering, and they simply view it as wrong.

But then I've heard tales of Krishna appearing to a friend in London, and Jesus's mother Mary appearing to my mother, and Jesus speaking out actual words friends have heard which have saved lives. And in my life, I have had plenty of interventions from the invisible—the always invisible.

Why is God in touch with me right now, from all these directions and religions, which are almost making me dizzy with their concepts, similarities, and differences? Why is it that at this point in my life, I hear in my head "write the book" each time I meditate? As I am finally editing the stories that have been written two decades ago—suddenly God pours in from all sides. Why couldn't I put this book of art and life events together before? Why now?

Recently, I posted on Instagram how the only place people of all religions are welcome and at peace together is the art gallery. The gallery is a temple of the spiritual, safe for all because its without dogma. Without judgment or required initiation or specific books.  Easier to digest for the contemporary human, who is not growing up in a homogenous small town, that has one religion- but the 2025 metropolitan growing up in the rainbow civilizational cocktail most large cities are. So we wonder over to art and just feel and interpret what we feel. But art has in the past for many civilizations meant- though it may have been forgotten- the channeling of the divine. 

Reading the book by Yogananda, "Autobiography of a Yogi," he describes a Hindu saint, Lahiri Mahasaya. This man became a yogi, a realized man of God, as a husband and father who had a family and a job. Lahiri met Babaji, the avatar saint, at the age of 33, who tells him he is chosen to be an example that other people with families and human lives can reach God-consciousness—they do not have to renounce the world as many Hindu saints have. Lahiri becomes a saint who inspires a renaissance of religion in India.

Who am I? An artist who has wandered with western style amorals, this life from cosmopolitan multicultural London and all in-between to the Balkans, curious—in between my first love and marriage, addicted to the feeling of in-loveness, ever hunting for "the right one" for years. In retrospect, I was looking for that satisfaction of intense all-encompassing, condition-free, sublime love in a human man.

I have not found a man that can love in a divine, unconditional way, but I have, by and by, finally found God- if I'm honest trough empirical evidence ,and continuous answers to my requests, to my inital amazement. So I can stop looking for perfection in a man. I can have love for both and permit myself to feel the being loved by man and God. Less pressure or demands on both.

I'm under the impression that each of us alongside our own affection—is a channel for the divine love to pass through us to people around us.  I feel all the more convinced that all we have around us is a manifestation of this channeled divine love—from the tidying up Dino has done because I am sick with fever today and my head hurts so much I have not moved from the couch much, to this apartment and safety that is now my home materializing. I think it's all a manifestation of the divine love.

This morning I looked at the Art form Bali- where religious scenes of gods and daemons reminded me of the Balkans energy. In the Balkans  region live people who are Catholic, Bogomili, Pagans, Orthodox, Muslim, Jews, and Romi with their own beliefs- for centuries. There have been many wars between certain groups . They each consider themselves the righteous believers of "The Right One." . And in all the wars they all have "the only true god " on their side . 

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