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Thursday, 30 May 2013

Man's first trip to outer space





yes or no

yes or no?

Shoull i stay or ought i go?

is what little fingers and toes are thinking right now kicking and pushing trying to sense what is outside this universe.

Lights , sounds, touch from outer-space constanltey interact with his warm cosy atmosphere.

Are there alians out there he may be thinking?

Or is it just me, in this squishy soft world?

Just as he has figured out all the boundries, north ,south, east ,west, in ,out,

as far as the world will strech and react to his feet,

even when he streches the foot as far as it goes

, pushing the furthest bit of his bigest toe,

and he understands the best ways to use this space,

to be as comfortable as he may,

and even interact with thid invisible feeling of touch outside ..

The question is does he want to know more?

Does he want to see if there is anything out there?

Or should he stay ingnore his curiosity..?

He settles to stay here in this world where he reigns, and than hears something intersting outside, a new sound. Than yet again, he has theories of what he may find. How exciting he thinks. Formulates a mix of sensory ideas of that that he will feel if he just dared travel outside.

He knows there is a way.

There must be a way.

There must be a world outside this world.

But the little thing is scared , and tests the waters again with his fingers, and toes, and head, he wobbles, and jiggells, and pushes and tries to hear for some ressonance . Yep. There . I feel something agian . I can hear those familiar noises.

And after conducting the experiment in contorled conditions, for a very long time. Punching for days at the same time to fill up with hot chocholate and cherries.

He says , oh well ,

its now or never

and wades his little feet like a propler,

and flipflops his hands like fins

with all his might pushes off from some hard matter he does not understand are ribs,

and slurp,

jams his head upside down,

into what he thought must be the gate to outer space.

He gets a bit upset for it not being the way he thought. The first experiment he must abort. Now like a squid he is jamed with the head down whilst his legs and arms are still flopping loosley around.

But there must be something out there, he is convinced. Kicks hard again and agian and agian until he feels movement and sounds, the alians are talking back to him. There is no way I can be alone in this world..

He swimms and wriggles and spins on his head like a drill, towards the gate he knows must lead to outer space, than some unexpected strange intertia begins, a thing called gravity, he can no longer pull out, no he doesent want to go, his ears are full of horrible sounds, his hands are getting sucked up too and legs aaa, he ca no longer stop the pull. He has changed his mind he decided, he tiries to wade back, but than light, horrible painful light strikes his eyes, of a brightness that he did not know exsits, and something janks at this body and pulls him into new dimensions.

Waaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh. He screams.

Horible giant misty alians he sees.

Cold, so cold ,such as he never felt in his delicious squishey tropical world.

I want to go home, he thinks so hard,and everytime he thinks, scary shrill noises are ejaculated from his throat, waaaaaaah.!

He is than placed on something squishey and warm. He can hear fammilar rythams of tick tock, which remind him of home, and sounds of voices, loud, but which he had heard before.

Something is familiar aobut all this, he thinks.

He moves his feet and feels they move. He moves his hands and they move too. They move much faster than before. Not swimng in lovley goo any more.

Well. Its very very bright he thniks . But at least i know i was right. There is an outer space.

Than again he feels exhasuted from his trip, hungry, and angry, how can he now, get his hotchocholate and cherry fill? Shrill noises are comming from his thorat, he kicks and punches, wanting cherries, but the noise is just getting worse, until, in one instant the tick tocking alian, pushes something squshey and warm into his mouth. And he can taste chocholate and cherries agian . ooh. So good. He thinks. does a few more kicks. Than closes his eyes and dreams.

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