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Wednesday 5 December 2012

The christmass mood.

When sorrounded by people unsidposed to the festive spirit of the season one can always resort to tirckery to get them in to it.

1.Buy them a christmass tree. 2.Or if you share a house with somone who doesen't want the christmass tree, seduce them or bully them with their own logic until they give in or get tired of resiting.

Needless to say my christmass tree is up, earlier than ever. I recieved it instead of roses for my birthday tomorow. Also becouse I had bought so many decorations in London last week, I actualy had to hide two bags of it under my coat as not to show them to the air tikets control lady who certanly whould have charged me had she noticed I intended to push 3 bags over the premited one on to the plane. Thus once the bags where opened at the home end forcasting a sceen like an exploded father-christmass factory, with shiney multy colored baulbals, raindeer, snowmen and candysticks all over the place, it became clear the only way to get the house in order was to get the tree.

It looks lovley. Deffinatley did not go for the cool shop window look in meonochrome. Multy colured happyness remeniscant of childhood and the variaty of colures and shapes consiquent to annual breaking of the irresistable glass things by self, brothers or cat.

The only problem with this tree is that the potted thing is not releasinng the enchanting christmas forest smells. Not sure if its becosue it is in a pot and so not dying, or becosue the Hollandease who produced it grew it earth free in water and chemichals like they do tomatoes in their surge to destory all flavour and scent given by nature. Note. Will have to sprinkle the tree with the christmass tree water i distiled from last years local branches.

3. To get people in the festive mood festive alcohol and a few visuals can do. Leaving Ninas house I left a Christmass card and a bottle of port and suddnely the 9 other inhabbitans where talking christmass and dreaming mothers cooking in cosy saftey of home away from the london biting for survival.

4. Mulled vine does the same trick.

5. Lynsey taking about wanting her mom to knit a giant christmass pudding jumper, inspired me to buy a raindeer one and all sort of merry socks which by wearing inconspicuousley gets people around self in a chain reaction of simmilar mood.

6: Aunty babrara decided to stage a christmass dinner for my last night in lichfield with all the british trims, coliflour chease, stuffing, cranberry jelly, sausages in coats, and turkey in november. Everything tasted so magical that i even devoured with relish the sprouts and parsnip i clearley remember not likeing before. So as you see its not entirley my fault for getting the contageous bug and carrying it several thousant airmiles to Zagreb where no one seems to be in the chrsitmass mood yet.

Though it did snow for the first time last night. And it is the day of Saint Nicholas tomorow. And thoguh everyone will get a present in a sock under their pillow here, its my birthday and so am very excited.

Will make a delicious dinner , play the martini in the morning radio which at this time djs notting but seasonal classics, and will get everyone in the chrsitmas mojo. Mmm.

The house all ready smells of baking stars .

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