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Wednesday 24 April 2013

on marriage

To get married is like the famous putting all your eggs in one basket comparison. The basket is huge however, and you have packed so much more than eggs. The love you feel for the one person you marry is like an hot air baloon enormous, huge, colorful, dinstinctive, rises above all things in vicinity. Yet if you get married later, not as a teenager, but years later, that basket whilst grounded, has all sorts of attachments hundreds of litle sands bags of old emotional ties, memories, which help keep the air baloon grounded. Which whilst grounded can appear the alteriror rute, should one decided to run, abandon the voyage with the air baloon. But once you decide to take off. You cut all those strings and sand bags and instanley relived forget them. The basket with all your eggs takes off. The baloon becomes waightless. The love is free. The feeling is amasing and the direction of the hot air baloon does not matter, you fly in it, rising higher. You are flying and will embrace in two, together, what ever happeens and where ever you land. It feels a trilion times better than being grounded.

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