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Monday, 7 November 2011

Ode to Kafka Cock / Zohar zvan Piso

There we where runing about scavaging for food as usuall, in drains, pipes, underneath
fridges, on the ceeling oil splats when suddenly I saw my bother “Cock” for short, shake
and shimmy unnaturaly. His bones started to make crackling sounds. Oh not again I
thought. Six hundred and fourth brother to have overdoesed on poison, but no. His eyes
grew into to huge jellies, plum size. His beautiful brown back split into thousents of
glistening curley wires, a nose grew, the anteaneas snapped off. I simply could not watch
the horrifc sneene and fainted.

When mother started to nimble at my leg thinking I was dead and needed to be recycled
into food, I awoke, and Cock was gone.

Down beneath me on the floor was a huge monster, disgusting, stinky human freak. I
dropped off the ceeling and scurried under the cooker when the freak started to squeal in a
sad and familiar frequency.

I lifted one tentacle from the shadow. Returned a squeak.

The bloody digusting human was talking cocaroach.

It was Cock!

How on earth did my favourite sibling turn human we both couldn't figure out. Where we eating too much human food? This put a real dampner into our plans. Did we have to kill Cock off as well in order to take over the 16 floor comunist block? Or use cock as one of them in this battle for promotion in the hierarchy of spieces?

Cock could now get that weapon of mass destruction and slap the humans over
the heads, elimnate them, yeah he should get a slipper. And the fun spray, and little seeds
of evil which taste so good, and send us high until we become immune and just need to take
more and more. Oh yeah he can now reach for the poison bag and bring it all to the
nest in the wires. What is that I see? He has found the bag of blue crystals.

“Yeah bring it ower here! No. no. no cook don't eat it all. Leave the bag at least! Damn you
cock. You are greedy as well as disgusting and human”

What the hell is Cock doing?

“Cockwhy are you looking at me like that? I , I don't understand you any more, your talking in
a wrong frequency. Don't scare me , you are starting to talk like the human. Damn! Stop
staring at me . What is that you found Cook, yeah you have a foot, a disgusting huge
cheesy human foot. And a slipper. Yey! You have a slipper to kill the humans with. You
don't get it do you, what are you doing scratching your foot like a dog, hey just don't tun
into a dog next, that will be truly useless. I better come up to your ear you, don't seem to be
hearing me with those huge things. Whas that ? Cock ? No Coock. You son of a rotten egg!
Not the slipper!
.... Aw.
I hate this reencaranation buisness…
Well at least my back legs got away

Zohar zvan Piso
Tu smo okolo trckarali nuskajuci za hranu kao uobičajno, u kanalizaciji, cijevi, ispod frizidera, na mrljama ulja po stropu kad odjednom sam vidio mog brata "Cock" kratko za Cockroach, ili po naski Piso, kako se treska i vijuga neprirodno.
Njegove kosti počele su pucketati. Oh ne opet, pomislio sam. Šeststotiniti i četvrti brat pre-dozirao se na otrovu, ali nije bilo to.Njegove oči prerasle su u ogromne želeje, veličine šljiva. Njegova lijepa smeđa leđa rascijepala su se u blistave žice, nos mu je narastao, a antene su odpukle. Jednostavno nisam mogao gledati horificni spektakl i onesvijestio sam se.Kada je majka počela grickati moju nogu misleći da sam mrtav, te da me treba reciklirati u hranu, probudio sam se, a Piso je nestao.Dolje ispod mene na podu stajalo je veliko čudovište, odvratna, smrdljiva ljudska nakaza. Ja sam se bacio sa stropa i potrcao pod štednjak kada je nakaza počela civiljeti u tužnoj i poznatoj frekvenciji.Podigao sam jedan pipak iz sjene i vratio cijukom.

Ludsko je cudoviste govorilo zoharski!

Bio je to Piso!

Kako je moj omiljeni brat poprimio ljudski oblik oboje nismo mogli shvatiti. Dali smo jeli previše ljudske hrane? Preokret situacije je zaista stetio nasim planovima. Dali sada moramo ubiti i Pisu kao bi preuzeli 16 katnu socialisticku zgradu? Ili iskoristiti Pisu kao jedan od njih u toj borbi za promociju u hijerarhiji zivotinja?

Piso zapravo sada moze nabaviti oružje za masovno uništenje i triskati ljude po glavama te ih elimnirati, da on bi trebao nabaviti papuču!
I zabavni sprej, i malo sjemenka zla što okuse tako dobro, i maju cudesnu moc da nas uzdignu dok ne postanemo imuni te je potrebno uzeti sve više i više. Oh da on sada može doći do vrecice otrova i donijeti sve u gnijezdo medu žice.Što to vidim?Pa on je vec pronašao vrećicu plavih kristala "Odlicno. Da donesi to ovdje! Ne... Nemoj pojesti sve! Ostavi bar vrećicu! Ti.. budalo! Ti si odvratno pohlepan uz odvratno ljudski.""Što je, dovraga Piso sto to radiš?Zasto me tako gledas ? Ja, ja ne razumijem više sto govoris poceo si koristiti krivu frekvenciju, hvata me panika, počimas govoriti kao čovjek. Kragu! Prekini buljti u mene. Što je, sto si otkrio Piso, da imas noge, odvratno ogromanu ljudsku nogu koja smrdi na sir. I papuču. Jej! Sada mozes papučom poceti ubivati ljude. Ma što to sada radiš, grebes stopala kao pas, hej nemoj samo sada se pretvoriti u psa sljedeće, to će biti uistinu beskoristno." Najbolje da ja dodem do tvog uha, čini mi se da me ne cujes i da ta ogromna stvar je beskoristna. Sto to radis? Piso ? Neee Pisoo! Sine trulih jaja!Ne papuču!.... Aw.
Mrzim ovaj posao rinkarnacije...

Ali eto barem su pobjegle moje stražnje noge! .

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