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Tuesday 15 November 2011

Virtual Sarajevo,The Guide

Our hotel was secured for us by a man who looked like he wanted to be Jhonny Depp but seagulls had ridden his head.

Together with circle sunglasses alike his idol, and cigarrete rabbit teeth, he despite not being a guide decided to take us to the ski mountain and source of river Bosna, riding the microphone of the coach in the most unholy way. His audience were proffesional guides, and managers of the biggest tourist agency in ex Yu who found it hard to remain polite to his monotone droning on at leanth on themes which he probably was discussing drunk in a pub the night before. All where gigeling and smirking meanley behind a seat, thus the guide manager snapped at us to quit and be polite in the imperative.

“Most people are welcome in Sarajevo, and we hope they will come back. But two people are not. Do you know who is not welcome to Sarajevo?

I mean they can come, they can walk around the city, but they will not survive more than 15 minutes.

Emir Kusturica and Goran Bregovic.”the guide threathened sounding like he was set to kill them himself in a quiet psychopathic voice.

“War is a funny place there is always a winning side. So they took the serbian side they thought would win. They even changed their religion. They turned against the city which nurtured them. Where they started to play and became known . They made huge statements against their city, against their people, during the war. They went with the enemy who paid for their work and made propaganda against Sarajevo”

“Put on the music”!

Hollered the same manager who snapped at guides to be polite earlier.

Not exactley politically correct her self. But seeing we spoke more or less the same language we got more than we paid for this time. People I know love Kusturica’s films and Bregovic gypsy orchestra, but the director and musician flourished under patronage of a regime which killed 11000 people from the city in which they grew up and the city and the survived do not forgive them.

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